Program Consultants
Safety First Solution is a self run and managed solution, that only needs to be guided by a skilled consultant to ensure that you lay a strong foundation for the implementation of the program to build and achieve a mature workplace safety culture.
Below is a list of our certified consultants who are not only proficient in Safety First solution and Safety Manager but also bringing along years and years of expertise in WH&S.
Kevin York
Principal Consultant
Safety First WH&S Solutions
In 1993,after pursuing and establishing a successful career as an insurance broker, managing worker’s compensation policies, Kevin developed a keen interest in WH&S systems, more specifically, focusing his attention on the influence changing cultures had in impacting positvely on injury and moral outcomes for client organisations. Read More
Out of this interest came the Safety First Program, which Kevin developed and established under the banner of his company, Safety First Risk Management.
Since 1993, Kevin has helped well over one hundred organisations put in place, and maintain, cultural change related to WH&S practices. But this change has also had positive flow-on effects for other parts of those companies’ businesses.
Having worked with small and large organisations (the smallest just five staff and the largest approximately 1500 across 23 locations) and led them through the program process, Kevin has gained extensive experience in managing WH&S across many industries from manufacturing to aged care, mining engineering and automotive.
He recently developed a Certificate lV course in WH&S that links into the Safety First Program and, over the last two years, around eighty students, drawn from Safety First’s client companies, have graduated the course.
By undertaking this course, the companies involved reaped the flow-on benefit of increasing the speed of change within their organisation and the depth of the mind shift this has generated has helped to entrench a much stronger foundation that will lead to lasting, meaningful WH&S change.
Kevin has also gained auditing experience as part of his involvement with implementing WH&S changes in companies. In the process, he became one of the first qualified auditors for the Worksafe Plan in WA, with his most recent assignment being with FMG Rail Operations in the Pilbara.
Other projects he has undertaken include the regular auditing of all contractors on BHP sites at the height of the construction phase, covering iconic Australian construction giants like John Holland, McConnell Dowell, McMahons, as well as auditing of the Safety First Program when implemented at client sites.
Greg Comans
SAFCOM Risk Management
Safety First Licenced Practice Consultant
When asked what it was he most enjoyed about his role and experience as a work health and safety practitioner, Greg Comans replied “What I like best about the work I do is my ability to make a difference in an organisation’s approach to WH&S”, which made him the ideal choice to become a Safety First consultant. Read More
Greg has been involved in work, health and safety for almost fifteen years, the last ten of those as a full-time operator. His area of specialty is civil construction, a field in which he has considerable experience, especially with offshore oil and gas projects.
His work has taken him to, and involved him in projects, in locations that are among the most remote in Australia. His services have been sought on projects for iconic Australian companies including Rio Tinto, BHP Billiton – in places like Port Hedland, Christmas Creek, Newman, Groote Eylandt and Darwin in the Northern Territory.
Greg has also worked extensively offshore in Indonesia and Singapore on pipeline stabilisation, sludge processing and clean oil recovery projects and has also had experience with major civil projects that have included the construction of dams, petroleum terminal upgrades and the massive Tiger Brennan Drive Extension project, which is the largest and most significant section of the $127 million East Arm Port Access Route being funded by the Australian and Northern Territory Governments to improve traffic flow to East Arm Port and Palmerston.
On each of these projects Greg has been responsible for assessing, developing and implementing risk management plans that cover up to a thousand workers at a time. Although he has also had experience, working closely on WH&S programs with smaller to medium-sized groups within some of these organisations.
A very much hands-on operator, Greg sees Safety First’s uniquely adaptable WH&S program as the ideal seamless fit for small to medium enterprises:
“The ease of use and ability to seamlessly adapt into a small to medium-sized operation is what sold me on the Safety First WH&S Program.
“It works from the ground up, helping in the process of identifying and assessing key risks, the crucial component in an effective work, health and safety program, and it also involves everyone in the process and helps create and promote a safety culture within the organisation, which has always been the key motivator for me in my role as a WH&S practitioner.”
An active golfer and sailor, Greg has a passion for self-development and education and enjoys being an active and involved member of the communities, where he has lived and worked.