The picture is of their new corporate offices that contains a motivated workforce excited about the future.
At the beginning of 2014 it was very different. Myles Kingsbury joined the management team of HDDM that had a handful of staff at the time and developed a plan to grow the business by shifting their market position away from just its smaller clients to medium to large companies. After analysing how to get into this market they realised they were unable to tender unless they became preferred suppliers, and the only thing that was stopping them was their ability to comply with the tenders WH&S requirements.
In May 2014 they approached Safety First to solve this problem Greg Comans a licenced Safety First Consultant was able to build their WH&S Management Plan and Risk Register in time for them to do their first tender in June, and the rest is history, they are now on six preferred supplier lists, their staff have grown to 35 and they have a multi million dollar turnover. Kevin York from Safety First comments Work Health and Safety is much more than just stopping injuries. If your serious about growing your business you have to get serious about Work Health and Safety.